How We Worship
Worship is a dialogue between God and his people. God speaks to us and we respond in praise, confession, and adoration. We want Sunday worship at Christ Presbyterian Church to be three main things: grace-motivated, corporate, and thoughtful in all that we do.
- Grace-Motivated - Our heart's affections are poured out in response to the magnitude of God's grace in Christ. We aren't worshiping God to gain his acceptance or prove to ourselves how holy we are. Our worship is both motivated and enabled by God's saving grace in Christ. We can't help but sing and make music to Him as we grow in our understanding of this reality.
- Corporate - God calls his people to gather together in worship of him. Our worship service is structured to engage us as a community of believers to participate in the dialogue of worship. We want you to hear each other speaking, praying, and singing, because we believe in the importance of that community.
- Thoughtful - We think carefully and deeply about everything we plan and do in worship. That doesn't mean we aren't spontaneous. It means that we want to have intentional purposes and commitments that lead, shape, and guide all of our spontaneous, in-the-moment responses to God.
Our Liturgy
Common Questions about Worship